Congratulations to all players who played at the FastStep Junior Badminton Tournament 2016 for making it such a successful day.
Thanks to Yonex and The Sports Shop, Tunbridge Wells for sponsorship of the event and to Central Sussex College for hosting.
Please see the FastStep Junior Badminton Tournament 2016 results and we hope to do it all again next year.
A special mention to our FastStep players, some of whom were playing their first ever tournament. There were runner-up trophies for Abigail Hunter (Year 7 girls doubles and singles), Isabelle Webb (Year 7 girls doubles), Amshika Kusan (Year 8&9 girls doubles). Plus a well earned semi-final spot for Thomas Broom in the year 7 boys singles.
Don’t forget to vote for us as Club of the Year in the Sussex Sports Awards, every vote counts. Visit